The increasing popularity of indoor Rock Climbing has created a subculture in which climbers want to share their progress with fellow climbers. Modern climbing grading systems provide climbers with a quantitative method of tracking their progress. However, very few online platforms allow climbers to share said progress. Krimp is a social media platform that climbers can use to share photos/videos of their climbs, join climbing groups, and locate local climbing gyms.
The Krimp project was created as the final project while completing an online UX Bootcamp. The project began with the completion of primary research, conducted via interviews at my local climbing gyms. The qualitative data gathered from this research provided insights into what features climbers would want to utilize online. Following the ideation of various features, I created a lo-fi prototype of the app using Figma, followed by an eventual interactive hi-fi prototype.
Rock Climbers can connect via traditional social media platforms. However, these platforms lack the sense of community that could inspire climbers to push themselves to that next level. Climbing is a difficult sport that requires perseverance and motivation to meet desired goals. Climbers who lack a sense of community within their gyms could easily become frustrated during plateaus. Thus, giving climbers more reasons to either quit or climb less frequently.
Krimp acts as a platform that can inspire climbers to push their limits by comparing and contrasting their climbing experiences with others. Many people struggle with meeting people in real life and an online platform could allow climbers to easily meet one another, resulting in a motivating sense of community. Additionally, users of such a platform could gain inspiration from fellow climbers across the globe.
Conducted research at my local climbing gyms, discussing the frustration climbers face in meeting their goals. Additional questioning about their experiences connecting with other climbers.
Used qualitative data to form personas of potential users and created a journey map of their potential online experience. Additionally, I developed an understanding of how climbers might share content online.
Brainstormed ideas regarding what kinds of content users would want to share. Additionally, thought of features that would be unique to the platform, that aren’t available on traditional social media apps.
Inital drawings of the app’s structure were inputted into lo-fi prototypes in Figma. Followed by the selection of typography, color palettes, iconography, and other various design choices. All of which culminated in the creation of a functioning hi-fi prototype with well-designed animations and user flows.
What i learned
The Krimp project was an excellent learning experience as it taught me about the UX design process as a whole. Before the completion of my online bootcamp, I didn’t fully understand the UX design process and how integral research was to the creation of a project. It acted as an eye-opener on how potential professional projects in the future require the hard work of many designers, as well as coordination between those designers. Following the completion of Krimp, I was extremely excited to continue my UX design journey and work on what I learned from my first project.